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Football Tackling Rings

Football is not only a contact sport, but one of preservation. You want your team to be healthy and fresh heading into the important late season games, and teams are resorting to new methods to ensure everyone's safety throughout the year.

One innovation that's sweeping practice fields everywhere is the tackling ring. Also called a tackle ring or pursue and tackle wheel depending on the brand, tackling rings are a great way to work on your technique without risking another player's health. The wheels are usually simply constructed out of foam and vinyl, with some featuring straps to secure a ball and work on fumble drills. Aside from the limited injury risk, tackle wheels also promote good tackling techniques, forcing players to wrap up around the wheel to simulate wrapping up an opposing ball carrier.

There are several options for tackling rings based on your team needs. Youth teams will want to look at smaller the Fisher 28" Pursue and Tackle Wheel that allows player to work on techniques against opponents their own size. Middle school and high school teams can look at bigger wheels in the 40-inch or 48-inch range to more accurately work on their tackling.

Exclusive to our site, the Sports Unlimited Tackling Ring comes in three sizes, 36, 40 and 48 inches. Made from higher quality foam than other rings, our private labeled ring will hold up during a long season of practices.

No matter which tackle wheel you choose, Sports Unlimited has a variety of sizes in stock to make sure you can get it fast. Whether you need it before the season to get your practices off to a great start or are looking to replace a damaged ring, check us out for your tackling ring needs.

Tackling Rings