Your soccer gear is important. It's your lifeline to the game and it probably cost you a pretty penny. So make sure your soccer cleats, apparel, shin guards, and soccer balls stay safe, organized, and in great condition when you're on the go between games and practices. Get a great soccer equipment bag, and keep all your gear together and in great shape.
Spacious, comfortable, and practical, our wide selection of soccer bags and backpacks will give you plenty of room for your gear, and any other essentials you need, plus plenty of pockets for valuables. With durable straps and handles, hauling your stuff is easier than ever with a great equipment bag.
Sports Unlimited carries equipment bags from the top brands in soccer today. We have equipment bags from Diadora, Adidas, and Uhlsport, in tons of different styles, from backpacks to duffel bags. So trust your gear to the best soccer equipment bags on the market today, and don't fumble around with your gear anymore. You'll look much cooler with a sweet bag anyway.
Soccer Bags / Soccer Backpacks